Tuesday, 12/03/02
Warm Up. Copy 1-3. 3-7 are reading check questions worth a total of 5 points.
  1. verb : action :: pronoun : __________
  2. verb : action :: adjective : __________
  3. *Tom : Amy :: Becky : _________
  4. *What made the boys "forget all their fears" in the haunted house?
  5. *In one word, Injun Joe's "job t'aint robbery altogether--it's ___________!"
  6. *What made Injun Joe think to try to look upstairs?
  7. *What happened when he did?
"Verb...That's What's Happening!"
In each sentence below, determine if the bold faced word is being used as a noun or a verb.
Copy the word, and write n or v. (+1/2 each)

1. In both plays she had been cast in he role of an attorney.
2. I am going to paper the wall in the bedroom myself.
3. The time for action has arrived.
4. Who is going to time the contest?
5. Because of my sprained ankle, I can't climb on the roof to fix the antenna.
6. The climb up Walton Mountain took us two hours.
7. He plays chess like an expert.
8. The deserted house on the hill will soon be demolished .
9. This apartment complex can house up to a thousand people.
10. Did you hand in your paper on time?

Editors continue editing.
Here is the overall procedure.
Check 600 words. 11/19 -- 12/02 are acceptable dates.

  1. Sentence scramble.
  2. 600 words for next week.
  3. Tom Sawyer
Sentence Scramble. Counts for 600 words.
  1. (15) a) the roast pig | b) immediately stick | c) when | d) an apple | e) is finished | f) in its mouth
  2. (15) a) miserable | b) his dreams | c) Tom went home | d) full of horrors | e) were | f) that night | g) and