Tuesday, 10/01/02
Everyone who realize pedaled was spelled incorrectly on the pretest yesterday, please add another +1!
Collect Perfect papers.
Warm Up. Copy. All answers will be spelling words.
  1. *heat : temperature :: electricity : _________
  2. *deaf : ASL :: blind : __________
  3. *sequoia : begonia :: cardigan : _______ (or _______)
  4. *light : reflections :: sound : __________
  5. *Two-Bit : comedian :: Dally : __________
  6. *flora : begonia :: fauna : ____________
"Lolly's, Lolly's, Lolly's, Get Your Adverbs Here!" 
(Copy!) Adverb: A word used to modify (describe) a verb, adjective, or another adverb. When?  Where?  How? 
Example: Yesterday, I ran there very quickly, which I usually never do. (6 adverbs!)

Practice: Not all "ly" words are adverbs!
Copy each underlined word below, and say whether it is being used as an adjective (which one, what kind, how many about a noun), or an adverb (when, where, how about a verb, adjective, or another adverb). [+2 for all 5. +1 for 4/5.]

1. She jumped up suddenly, and left the room.
2. That oil painting is absolutely magnificent.
3. (2) At the pet shop, a cuddly, little kitten snuggled up to me, and I nearly bought it.
4. The early bird gets the worm.

The Outsiders...