Tuesday, 10/29/02
Warm Up. Copy 1-3. With group, in notebook. For 4-8, copy the anagram, and then write the appropriate spelling word.
    1. *temperature : thermometer :: pressure : ___________
    2. *"edge measure" = ____________
    3. *earth : equator :: circle : ________
    4. *What spelling word is "alert Meg" an anagram for?
    5. *What spelling word is "prime tree" an anagram for?
    6. Whose name is "thin nose" an anagram for?
    7. Whose name is "wink at ram" an anagram for?
    8. Mystery Student: 1st-- "A rib votes no!" 3rd--"I slew a lit animal!" 4th--"A Hell card, sir!" 5th--"Enjoy Mr. Pooh." 6th--"A healthy moss."
Outsiders Jeopardy!