Pretest #21
  1. Check the meaning of the word in the dictonery.
  2. Find the apendix in the back of your book.
  3. Is he dependible enough to take care of a dog?
  4. Please don't contredict me.
  5. Buying the tickets will be a big expense.
  6. Will a clock work if its pendalum is stuck?
  7. The weather pradiction calls for warmer weather this week.
  8. His favorite genre is suspence stories.
  9. What copensation will I recieve for this job?
  10. The secretary was very good at taking dictaition.
  11. Can we suspend the lamp from that hook?
  12. Actors need good diction to be understood.
  13. The dictater ruled with an iron hand.
  14. Has the jury reached a verdicte?
  15. A dark sky and a change in the direction of the wind are signs of an impending storm.
  16. Please dispence the food in equal servings.
  17. Getting lost is a serious predicument.
  18. Will he draw a penshion when he retires?
  19. She wore a gold pendent around her neck.
  20. A finger is an appendige.
  21. He was the valadictorian of  his senior class.
  22. The grand jury handed down an inditement of murder in the first degree.
  23. Whether you go to the amusement park or not is dependant on your behavior.
  24. Mr. Morton is the subject of the sentence, and what the predacate says, he does.
  25. The teacher issued an edicte; there will be no more pencil borrowing.
pend/pent/pens = ___________    dic/dict = _________   pre = _____  bene = _________
Vocabulary -- skeptical, improvise, venerate, fastidious, impulsive, haughty, forlorn, benevolent, smug, embroider
  1. We ran out of the ingredients for the recipe, so we had to ____________.
  2. I was very _____________ about his improbable "alien" story.
  3. Tom Sawyer was one of the best at ________________(ing) reality, and Aunt Polly was often very exasperated by his various "lies."
  4. "That test was easy!" he said ___________(ly) in that annoying way of his.
  5. After he saved the kids from the fire he was _____________(ed) by the whole town.
  6.  Jean is very ____________ about her silverware; she won’t eat in the cafeteria because she thinks the forks aren’t clean enough.
  7. In a(n) ______________ moment, we decided to go to the movies instead of the restaurant.
  8. Uncle is a very proud, _______________ man who demands respect.
  9. He was a very _________ man; he gave millions each year to charity.
  10. The lost little girl looked very _________________ as she looked for her mommy.