Tuesday, 12/02/03 -- Eighth Grade
Warm Up. Copy into notebook
  1. *ordinary : elite :: plain : _________
  2. *horror : genre :: "Excuse me." : _________
  3. *modern : antique :: paid : _________
  4. *boulevard : street :: egg roll : ____________
  5. *cow : burger :: chicken : ________
  6. *pamphlet : brochure :: meeting : ____________
Prepositions and prepositional phrases! Practice.
For 1-3: A) Rewrite the sentence moving the misplaced prepositional phrase closer to the word it is modifying. B) Tell whether the PP is acting as an adjective or adverb in that sentence.
For 4-5: Rewrite the sentence so it no longer ends with a preposition.
  1. We waited for the bus inside the mall.
  2. Alonzo was walking his dog in his new jeans.
  3. We read about the puppy that was lost in today's newspaper.
  4. Which book are you most fond of?
  5. Which class did you fall asleep in?
The Pigman, Chapter 7. (5p)
  1. Besides Old Lady, what is John's nickname for his mom?
  2. What is John's real reason for going to the graveyard?
  3. (Quote.) What is John's father's reaction when John says he wants to be an actor?
  4. (Quote.) Why does John say he doesn't want the job his father is offering?
  5. (Quote.) What is scungilli?
Check 600 words. Work on writing.