Tuesday, 12/20/05 -- Assembly Schedule
Warm Up. MC Sentence Scramble. Extra Bonus: Name the story each is from.
  1.  a) and his hands  b) and tired  c) his face was white  d) sweaty steering wheel e) slid on the
  2. a) a fresh-laid egg  b) there it sat  c) perfect as  d) dead sea bottom e) on the
  3. a) like daggers  b) they pointed at each other  c) and icicles  d) and fireflies  e) in their limbs  f) with starlight burning
  4. a) using his own  b) what better way  c) as bait  d) mother and father  e) to fool a man (It's a question.)
"Silent Towns" (8p)
  1. Why did Walter come to town every two weeks?
  2. What's a Homburg? (p147)
  3. What's his reaction when he hears the phone ring?
  4. Where does he eventually think of calling (since he's hoping it will be a woman)?
  5. (2) How did Genevieve end up being left on Mars? Why?
  6. Why does Walter finally run away from Genevieve?
  7. Re: The last line of the story. Why?
Ray Bradbury

"Halloween Every Day" "Short Stories as Novels" Interview (2000)