Wednesday, 5/5/10 - STAR Test Schedule.
Test - 8:20 9:30 (second period)
Break - 9:30 - 9:50
Test - 9:55 - 11:00 (second period)
4 - 11:10 - 12:10
LUNCH - 12:10 - 12:50
5 - 12:55 - 1:55
6 - 2:00 - 2:59

Spelling Pretest #13. Words commonly misspelled. (duh) Old School. TaG.

Good Topic Question, or Not? While I check outlines.

  1. What are all the different Barbies there have been?  a) yes  b) no
  2. How realistic are shows like CSI?  a) yes  b) no
  3. Are there benefits to steroid use?   a) yes  b) no
  4. Did Marilyn Monroe commit suicide?   a) yes  b) no
  5. Was King Arthur a real person?  a) yes  b) no
  6. How do they make cd's and dvd's?  a) yes  b) no
Outlining. Use your homework to help you.
  1. Camping IB: a) Sleeping bags  b) Choosing a campsite  c) Food, etc. d) Selecting clothing  e) NOTA
  2. Camping IIA:  a) Making a fire  b) Choosing a campsite  c) Setting up tents  d) Sleeping bags  e) NOTA
  3. Camping IIA2: a) Making a fire  b) Arranging wood c) Setting up tents  d) Presence of fuel  e) NOTA
  4. Camping IIB:  a) Making a fire  b) Choosing a campsite  c) Setting up tents  d) Safety tips  e) NOTA
  5. Camping IIIA: a) Other safety tips  b) Personal health c) Purifying water d) Safety tips  e) NOTA
  6. Eagles IIA:   a) Hunters  b) Effects on eagles' food  c) Belief that eagles were destroying...  d) Enormous decline in the 1960's  e) NOTA
  7. Eagles IIC2: a) Hunters  b) Effects on eagles' offspring  c) Belief that eagles were destroying...  d) Enormous decline in the 1960's  e) NOTA
  8. Eagles IIIA:  a)  Effects on eagles' food  b) Scientists  c) 1972--banning of DDT  d) Laws  e) NOTA
  9. Eagles IIIB:  a)  Effects on eagles' food  b) Scientists  c) 1972--banning of DDT  d) Laws  e) NOTA
More Outlining

"Face to Face with Twins"  p 617.

Read p 617 and complete fraternal twins section of the outline.
I. Identical twins
   A. One egg splits into 2
   B. Identical genes
      1. 2 girls
      2. 2 boys
   C. Occur once every 250 births

II. Fraternal twins


Tom Sawyer 26/27

  1. Who is pictured in Illustration A?  a) Injun Joe's partner, the ragged man.  b) Another detective hired to find Injun Joe.  c) Injun Joe d) Tom's disguise for following Injun Joe.  e) None of the above.
  2. What saved the boys from being caught by Injun Joe in the haunted house the first time?  a) Injun Joe didn't look their way when they were poking around.  b) Their superstition about Fridays.  c) Their superstition about ghosts.  d) It was too dark to see them.  e) None of the above.
  3. What was the original caption for Illustration B? a) The Search for Joe Ends  b) The Detective Catches Injun Joe.  c) Joe's Secret.   d) Hidden Treasures Unearthed.  e) The Body.
  4. In one word, the "job" that Injun Joe talks about "aint robbery  altogether -- it's _____!"   a) murder  b) escape  c) treasure  d) revenge  e) NOTA
  5. Why does Injun Joe decide not to rebury the treasure they find? a) He wonders why there was a pick and shovel there.  b) He knows the boys have been watching him.  c) He doesn't trust his partner, the ragged man.  d) He's leaving town right away.  e) None of the above.
  6. Which of the following was the original caption for Illustration C?  a) The Fight  b) Muff's Revenge  c) The End of Injun Joe?  d) The Boys' Salvation  e) Treasure Hunting Fun.
  7. After the events in the haunted house, Tom dreamed of... a) rats.  b) grabbing for and losing the treasure.  c) Injun Joe trying to kill him.  d) all of the above.  e) None of the above.
  8. What made Tom think that the events in the haunted house were also just a dream?  a) The stairs collapsed just in time to save them.  b) There just isn't that much money in the world.   c) They have actually found treasure.  d) With the murder, the treasure, and everything, it's all just too much to be real.  e) He's sort of delirious.
  9. How did he make sure they were not a dream?  a) He went back to the haunted house. b) He saw Injun Joe again.  c) He went to see Huck.  d) He thought about it some more.  e) He's still not sure.
  10. After the events in the haunted house, Huck dreamed of... a) money.  b) grabbing for and losing the treasure.  c) Injun Joe trying to kill him.  d) all of the above.  e) None of the above.
A)  B)  C)

Read on!