Tuesday, 9/10/09. Thank (most of) you for being good for the guest teacher! 1st:  3rd:  4th:  5th:  6th:
I. Finish District Benchmark I.
II. Correct Pink Sheet p163. A. 1) were  2) was  3) wants  4) sketches  5) have  6) says  7) were  8) has  9) assures  10) is B. a) disagree  b) disagree  3) agree  4) disagree  5) agree
III. S/V Agreement Round One.  Click A if the subject and the verb agree. Click B if they do not agree.
  1. Mr. McCheese love swamps.
  2. Therefore, on our field trip we went to Green Swamp.
  3. Most of us would have chosen a day at the beach.
  4. According to Mr. McCheese, the neatest things happens in the swamps.
  5. He have lectured more than once on the topic of metamorphosis.
  6. His examples has been caterpillars turning into butterflies and tadpoles turning into frogs.
  7. He gets pretty excited about tadpoles.
  8. Actually, the metamorphosis is amazing.
  9. One week the animals are breathing with gills like fish; the next week they have lungs like us.
  10. Even the dedicated beach goers wants another visit to the swamp this fall.
IV. Correct IRWorkbook p360-361. (8p) Reading Check p361. (8p)
  1. A republic is a country with a king. a) True  b) False
  2. At the time this article covers, Italy had a strong central government.  a) True  b) False
  3. Naples would not be considered a part of the area called the "birthplace of the Renaissance."  a) True  b) False
  4. The republics of the city-states in Italy had governments much like that of the United States.  a) True  b) False
  5. What product/service made Florence wealthy?  a) gold  b) architecture and building  c) money-lending/banking  d) wool  e) spices
  6. (map) Which city-state was the island of Corsica a part of?  a) Sardinia  b) The Papal States  c) Kingdom of the Two Sicilies  d) Florence e) Genoa
  7. The weathy families of Florence used their wealth to wage war on other countries like England and France.  a) True  b) False
  8. The word Renaissance means Roman culture.  a) True  b) False
V. Copy the definition, and then copy each euphemism and try to translate it.
Euphemism (n - U FEM ISM): A "nice" way of saying something (usually) unpleasant, or a way of making something sound more important than it is. Examples: passed on = died, sanitation engineer = garbage man, waitress in the sky = flight attendant
  1. visually disabled =
  2. solid waste =
  3. sanitary landfill =
  4. economically disadvantaged =
  5. undocumented transborder migrant =
  6. involuntary servitude =
  7. vertically challenged =
VI. "Old Glory" p203. (Audio is here.) Due Thursday: In your notebook (or on Moodle), answer the following questions:
  1. Who is (are) the protagonist(s)?
  2. What are the two main conflicts?
  3. How is each conflict resolved?
  4. What is the theme/message of the story?