Tuesday, 9/17/13 - Assembly Schedule (3rd period)
Period 1/Homies: 8:15-9:09 Break: 9:09-9:19 Period 2: 9:24-10:09 Period 3 (assembly): 10:14-11:04 Period 3 (class): 11:09-11:54 Lunch: 11:54-12:29 Period 4: 12:34-1:19 Period 5: 1:24-2:09 Period 6: 2:14-2:59
"Warm Up, 9/17/13." Copy 1-5. All answers will be spelling words.
  1. author : pen :: musician : ____
  2. "self life writing"  = ________
  3. "light write"  = ______
  4. "together sound" = ______
  5. "earth writing" =  ______
  6. When you spell a word the way it sounds, like kat, it is called the _____ spelling.
Correcting Tip: You might notice that some of the warm up questions are the same as crossword puzzle clues. And the answers should tell you something about several of your roots this week.

"Spelling Pretest #2. 9/17/13" Write the incorrectly spelled word correctly or write "all correct."  100% = Exempt.
  1. a) symphony b) micraphone c) choreography d) all correct
  2. a) telephone  b) geography c) photagraph d) all correct
  3. a) paragraph b) phonics c) automobile d) all correct
  4. a) phonetic b) instrument c) graphix d) all correct
  5. a) musician b) intermision c) performance d) all correct
  6. a) megaphone b) cacaphony c) calligraphy d) all correct
  7. a) autograph  b) phonograph  c) bibleography  d) all correct
  8. a) automatic  b) audiance  c) autobiography  d) all correct
Verb! and Mr. Morton

Pink Sheet: Verb Phrases. 
Correct 1-5 and 11-15.
Verbs Round One. Click it!

  1. On the pink sheet, you were underlining the... a) helping verb  b) linking verb  c) main verb  d) b and c  e) a and c
  2. ...which is also known as... a) the subject  b) the complete predicate  c) the simple predicate  d) Mr. Morton  e) NOTA
  3. The most common helping verbs are forms of the word...   a) help  b) get  c) got  d) be  e) of
  4. Helping verbs help link the subject to the predicate.  a) True  b) False
  5. Helping verbs help the main verb express action or show time.  a) True  b) False
  6. #6  a) could  b) could stop c) could stop at d) NOTA
  7. #7  a) might  b) might show c) show  d) NOTA
  8. #8  a) are  b) researching  c) people are  d) are researching e) NOTA
  9. #9  a) follow  b) can  c) can follow  d) can follow runaway  e) NOTA
  10. #10  a) did  b) did escape  c) escape  d) did escape through  e) NOTA