Friday, 2/27/15 - Giver Movie vs. Book Blog Post Due Monday by 10:30 am.
Prep sheet for Test #17:
Maus Log #2: ____/10  Maus Log #3: ____/10
Warm Ups: ____/11  ____/14
  Add this one too: ____/11 (doh)

Mental Floss.
  1. An infinite number of mathematicians are standing behind a counter. The first asks the man for half a pint of root beer, the second for a quarter pint, the third an eighth, and so on. How many pints of root beer will the man need to fulfill all mathematicians' orders? (Alert: math.)
  2. Find the name of a planet hidden in each of the following sentences:
  3. What two words contain the most letters?
  4. Mom baked a cake. Dad ate 1/6 of the cake. Brother ate 1/5 of what was left. Then sister had 1/4 of the remaining cake. After that the dog ate 1/3 of the remaining cake, and finally another kid ate 1/2 of what was left after the dog was finished. What fraction of the whole cake is left for mom to eat? (Alert: math.)
  5. If a farmer has 5 haystacks in one field and 4 haystacks in the other field, how many haystacks would he have if he combined them all in the middle field?
  6. When you behead a word, you remove the first letter and still have a valid word. You will be given clues for the two words, longer word first. 
    Example: Begin -> Sour.    Answer: The words are Start and Tart.

Please fix the following on the test. I neglected to underline the phrases in the prep-o-sitions section. Please do so now:
13. If you try, you know that you can fly...over the rainbow.    a) prep phrase  b) not
14. I am going to skip on my way home from Grandmother's house.   a) prep phrase  b) not
15. Jack fell down and broke his crown, and Jill came tumbling after.   a) prep phrase  b) not
16. At lunch, Danny told us about the great vacation he had.    a) prep phrase  b) not
17. I am going to skip on my way  from Grandmother's house.     a) prep phrase  b) not
18. I am going to skip on my way from Grandmother's house.     a) prep phrase  b) not
19. The unikitty with the pink fur ate a doughnut.    a) adj prep phrase   b) adv prep phrase  c) not a prep phrase
20. I found an old photo of a toothless pirate in the attic.  a) adj prep phrase   b) adv prep phrase  c) not a prep phrase
21. That field of corn will be gone within a year.  a) adj prep phrase   b) adv prep phrase  c) not a prep phrase

Please also fix #31 as appropriate.

Test #17