Friday, 10/10/14
Prep sheet for Test #7:
Vocabulary Homework: ____/30
Warm Ups: 10/7: ____/13  10/8: ____/10   10/9: ____/17
Other Extra Credit:
{+2 on vocab practice?}

Mental Floss.
  1. Supply the missing four words to make a famous expression. (No, you don't get to ask any questions.)
    "Failure ____  ____  ____  ____."
    Options: a) Success  b) Victory  c) Triumph  d) Accomplishment

  2. In each sentence below, an animal is concealed. For example, the sentence, "What shall I do, Gertrude?" has the word dog concealed. Find the hidden animal in each sentence.
  3. A man made up a seven-character password (letters and numbers only) for his e-mail  account, and he wanted to write it down somewhere in case he forgot it. But he didn't want to write down the actual password, so he wrote this sentence: "You force Heaven to be empty."  What was his password?
  4. What number is always found in the middle of the telephone directory?
  5. What famous saying is represented here?   
    zain yain xain wain vain uain tain sain rain qain oain nain main lain kain jain iain hain fain eain dain cain bain aain
  6. A pen and a pencil together cost $1.10. The pen costs exactly $1.00 more than the pencil. What does each cost? (Not a trick, just math.)

Test #7. IMPORTANT: #23 has no correct answer. If you can tell me what the answer should be, I'll tell you which answer to pick to get it correct. ;)
Doodle Theme: 2065.