Tuesday, 10/14/14
Checking: vocabulary definitions in notebook.
Warm Up, 10/14/14. (12p) Copy 1-4 only. For the rest, write the answer.
Use your group and your spelling/vocabulary list. * = spelling. ** = vocabulary.
  1. * "between throw thing" = _____ {Example: D'oh! Wow! You throw it in the middle of the conversation.}
  2. * "against stand thing" = _____ {Like a rock or a roadblock.}
  3. * "from hang-able" = ___  {Whether you get paid or not "hangs from" your performance on this job.}
  4. * "good making thing" = _____ {It would be a ______ to study for a test beforehand. You know, a helpful thing.}
  5. Something that is static does not ______.    a} exist  b} stop  c} stand  d} move  e} stay   {Remember what the sta root means? Look on your sheet where you wrote it down yesterday!}
  6. ** calm : apprehensive :: colorful : ______
  7. ** Your story _____(s) me, tell me more.
  8. ** After Mr. Shmarty lost his ring at the beach, they _______(ed) through the sand until they found it.
  9. "We were careful with our cigarettes--if that old church ever caught fire there'd be no stopping it." a) foreshadowing b) flashback c) protagonist d) irony e) metaphor f) simile g) theme
  10. "I could fall in love with Dallas Winston." a) foreshadowing b) flashback c) protagonist d) irony e) metaphor f) simile g) theme
  11. "Things are rough all over," and  "...some of us watch the sunset too."  a) foreshadowing b) flashback c) protagonist d) irony e) metaphor f) simile g) theme
  12. "If you can picture a little dark puppy that has been kicked too many times...you'll have Johnny." a) foreshadowing b) flashback c) protagonist d) irony e) metaphor f) simile g) theme

Magazine Project.
If you haven't already done so, prep your GoogleDocs.

Here are the groups and the types of things to include in your articles.
Here is the rubric for grading at the end.

  1. Your first document should be created and begun.
  2. Group brainstorm ideas and divvy them up.
  3. You should research (Ummm....Google?) for ideas and evidence.
  4. Begin writing article draft.
  5. 600 word digital rough draft due Tuesday, 10/21.