"The Other Foot"
by Ray Bradbury
"The Bicycle Analogy"
  1. What does the expression "the shoe is now on the other foot mean? Have you ever used it? When/why?
  2. What does it mean to "turn the other cheek"?
  3. What is the difference between vengeance and justice?
  4. Is revenge ever justified? Why/when?
  5. Have you ever taken revenge on someone? Did it make you feel better  after? For how long?
  6. Are Willie's (and the others') feelings of anger justified? Would they be right to do what they initially wanted to do? Explain.
  7. On page 36, when Hattie thinks about "tearing down walls", what do the walls represent?
  8. What if the white man had said that the tree was still standing? Would Willie have reacted any differently? What makes you think so?
  9. What does that tree represent?
  10. What does the last line of the story mean?
  11. How does this story illustrate the idea of "turning the other cheek"?

"The Other Foot" (Just to see if you were listening...11p. Remember to write out the answers to the multiple choice questions.)
  1. What question is the "Bicycle Analogy" is used to debate?
  2. The author of the story is ________ __________.
  3. The story comes from a collection of stories called...?
  4. It takes place where?
  5. The story takes place in... a) 1965. b) 1985. c) 1952. d) 2002.
  6. OK : satisfactory :: vengeance : ________
  7. Hattie is worried that all the people who want to go see the white man want to...?
  8. Willie thinks the people who are excited about seeing the white man are... a) forgetful. b) heroic. c) fools. d) silly. e) a and c.
  9. When Willie says he'll let the white people live up there, he is being...a) generous. b) forgiving. c) ironic. d) mean e) a and b. e) c and d. f) none of the above.
  10. Besides the deaths of his parents, what is Willie angry about?
  11. Why is the story called "The Other Foot"?


Quiz for after.