The Pearl by John Steinbeck

Quiz I (10) (p1-11)
  1. All of the following are true about Kino's early morning except... a) he and his wife don't speak to each other.  b) he sighs with satisfaction.  c) he sings songs.  d) he has corncakes and pulque for breakfast.
  2. All of the following are true about the doctor except...a) he is fat.  b) he is greedy.  c) he likes religious things.  d) he is mean but skilled.
  3. The beggars at the front of the church can tell Kino and his family are poor because...
  4. The beggars at the front of the church could tell what sins young women were confessing by...
  5. The first words spoken in the book by either Kino or his wife are... a) "Scorpion. The baby has been stung."  b) "The doctor. Go get the doctor."  c) A mixture of ancient magic and a Catholic prayer. d) "No!"
  6. (2) When Kino approaches the doctor's gate he feels angry and afraid. How is each emotion displayed as he knocks on the gate?
  7. (p9) What does it mean when it says, "This doctor was not of his people"? (No quote!)
  8. (Quote.) Give an example from p11 that shows that the doctor treats Kino's people like animals.
  9. Name at least one possible symbol in the book so far, and what it may stand for.

Draw a picture of how Kino dives for pearl oysters.

Is it better to be easily satisfied, or never satisfied? Why? (p25)

   1. What is the effect on the town when Kino finds the pearl?  a) Everyone is happy for Kino.  b) No one can believe it.  c) Everyone starts being nice to each other.  d) The atmosphere of the town becomes poisonous.
   2. (3) Kino's finding of the pearl makes the priest think of_________, the doctor think of _________, the  beggars think of _________.
   3. Why was Kino suddenly "every man's enemy"?
   4. (3) Name three things Kino visualizes as he dreams about what the pearl will do for him.
   5. What does Kino say will make him free? (Not the pearl.)
   6. (3+) Songs/Music: __________, ________, _________, ___________...
   7. Which one does Kino hear faintly while the priest is at his hut?
   8. Bonus: What recurring image have we seen at least 3 times?
   9. Bonus: What are the songs really?
  10. Bonus: On p29 Steinbeck keeps emphasizing how once a plan is made, it cannot be destroyed. Explain.

Your turn: Songs of the day.

Write the title of a few (4 or 5) of your "Songs of the Day."
You may use either real song titles (you may have to explain them to us) or invent titles for the various parts of your day.
Describe the feel/tempo/etc. of each song.

Example: "Song of Sweat and Toil" (PE)  "You're Never Satisfied" (English ;) 

   1. As Kino gets ready to go to the pearl buyers, Kino's neighbors are worried about...?
   2. On their way to the pearl buyers, Juan Tomas reminds Kino of the Father's sermon, which directs men to... a) be generous with their wealth.  b) be bold brave in the face of danger.  c)  remember their place.  d) be cautious in the face of danger.
   3. When Kino shows the first buyer the pearl, what sign is there (not seen by Kino) that the buyer thinks the pearl is valuable?
   4. What does the buyer compare the pearl to when he says it has little value?
   5. What gives the buyer a "little tremor of fear"?
   6. On p50 (halfway down the page) What does the word collusion mean? a) teamwork  b) stealing  c) cheating  d) pre-arranged price-fixing
   7. What trick does one of the pearl buyer use that the doctor used on Kino also?
   8. What "failure" will the buyers be disciplined for?

Give an example of how each of these ideas is shown in The Pearl. Use complete sentences, and include the question in your answer.
          * Materialism corrupts and destroys.
          * Love can give someone great courage and strength.
          * Creatures naturally prey on those who are weaker than themselves.
          * Knowledge is power, but a power that can be abused.
          * A dream is good until it begins destroying other things of value in a person's life
          * There are more illusions than reality in life.

Which character(s) from The Pearl is described below?

   1. He offers his services only after he hears of Kino’s pearl.
   2. He reminds Kino that his name is in the Bible.
   3. They try to cheat Kino.
   4. Tries to convince Kino to get rid of the pearl.
   5. Tries to throw the pearl into the sea, but is caught.
   6. They hope to share the offerings people give at church.
   7. She is Kino’s sister-in-law.

   1. What did the townspeople think of Kino's decision not to sell the pearl?  a) They thought he was being foolish.  b) They thought that the pearl dealers would never deal with him again.  c) They thought that he was being courageous.  d) All of the above.
   2. Juan Tomas says that Kino didn't just defy the pearl buyers, he...?
   3. What does Kino do when he catches Juana trying to throw the pearl back?
   4. When does Juana know instantly "that the old life was gone forever"?
   5. (5) Arrange in chronological order: a) Kino discovers a hole in his canoe.  b) Kino refuses the pearl dealers.  c) Juana tries to throw the pearl away.  d) Kino is attacked. e) Kino is attacked and kills a man.
   6. (Quote.) What is Kino's answer to every worry Juana has?
   1. What is one of the reasons Kino says that killing a boat is worse than killing a man?

   2. How did Juan Tomas get provisions for Kino's and Juana's trip?
   3. As Kino sets out on his journey north, he tells Juan Tomas why he can't get rid of the pearl. What is his reason?
   4. When Juana expresses doubt about the pearl's value, how does Kino answer her?
   5. (3) When Kino looks into the pearl to recall his visions of earlier: instead of a rifle, he sees __________, instead of the church wedding, he sees _____________, and instead of Coyotito learning to read, he sees _______________
   6. (7) Arrange in chronological order.  a) Kino's house is burned.  b) Kino finds a hole in his boat.  c) Kino and Juana take off to the north. d) Kino and his family hide with Juan Tomas.  e) Kino and Juana head for the mountains. f) Kino beats Juana.  g) Kino is attacked and kills a man.
   7. As all the tragedies befall Kino, he reverts more and more to being an animal. How does Steinbeck use the trackers to emphasize this?
Name the character from The Pearl.

   1. _______ thought that Kino was messing with the whole structure of their society.
   2. _______ ironically made Kino hear the Song of Evil when he visited.
   3. _______ treated Kino like a child after he was attacked, and killed a man.
   4. _______ said, "Do you keep this pearl in a safe place? Perhaps you would like me to put it in my safe?"
   5. _______ was "a caller of good mornings, a ceremonious shaker of hands, a jolly man who knew all jokes and yet hovered close to sadness...for he could remember the death of your aunt..."
   6. Put the above in chronological order.
One of Kino's original visions when he found the pearl actually came true. Which one?

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