Class Magazine Web.
Part One-- Getting Started.
  1. Open Netscape. Open Composer by clicking the little pen and paper in the lower right corner. This is your editing window.
  2. Put your disk in and double-click on MY COMPUTER, and then on 3 1/2 Floppy, and open your essay.
  3. Press Control A to select all, and  press Control C to copy it.
  4. Switch back to your editing window, and press Control V to paste the essay in.
  5. Save:
  6. When the window for titling the page comes up, title the page "Web for <insert your essay's title here>."
  7. Format the essay...Fonts, etc. Page and link colors can be adjusted by choosing Format menu, and Page Colors and Properties.
  8. Save.
  9. Now you must decide on what words to make links out of to explain and expand on the essay. These will link to pages where you explain/expand parts of the essay or poem,  like,
  10. See the rubric for all the requirements. Remember that your web must go at least three layers deep, so some of your required links can be in the second layer. Decide on the keywords from the essay and fill in the chart.
  11. Then create each of the files by clicking on the New button.
Part Two -- Linking!
  1. Select one of your keywords or phrases, and when your cursor turns into a little hand, right-click and choose Create Link Using Selected.
  2. In this window, click on Choose File .
  3. Browse to the web folder you created and find the file you made for that keyword. Double click on it. You now have a link!
  4. Do this with all your keywords and phrases.
  5. When you go back to work on the other pages, be sure to add a link on each of those pages back to the main essay page (index). 
  6. When you link to an outside site -- like when you use a picture from another site and need to give credit and a link back:
Part Three -- Pictures!
  1. First, using the browser window,  find one you want, right click on it, and choose Save Image As.
  2. Save it into the same web folder. You can leave the filename alone unless it has caps or spaces.
  3. Go back to the editing window  and put your cursor where you want the picture to be.
  4. Click the button that says Image...
  5. ...and then Choose File .
  6. Find the image you just saved.
  7. Be sure that the box that says "Leave image at the original location" is NOT checked.
  8. Done! You might want to surf and save all your pics first, and then paste them in.
  9. Be sure to note where they came from, because you have to give appropriate credit/citation.