Spelling List #6. Pretest Tuesday.
  1. subterranean 
  2. institute
  3. statue 
  4. projector
  5. dependent 
  6. predicate 
  7. predicament
  8. obstacle
  9. superstitions
  10. valedictorian
  11. prediction
  12. indictment
  13. circumstances
  14. stanza
  15. interjection
  16. benevolent 
  17. adjective
  18. beneficial
  19. compensation
  20. contradict
  21. dictionary 
  22. constitution
  23. dependable
  24. projectile
  25. substitute
Due by Friday:
1. Write the meaning of each root/prefix.
2) Find another word (not on this week's list) that contains each root/prefix.
  1. ject:

  2. example:
  3. sta/sti:

  4. example:
  5. dict/dic:

  6. example:
  7. bene:

  8. example:
  9. pen:

  10. example:
  11. sub:

  12. example:
  13. con/com:

  14. example:
  15. pre:

  16. example:
  17. super:

  18. example:
  19. inter:

  20. example:
  21. circum:

  22. example:

Vocabulary Crossword. Due Wednesday.
1. Plentiful, a great amount of.
5. To bargain or negotiate.
6. Beg - on your knees.
7. Forceful, demanding attention
9. Shy, hesitant, uncertain.
2. Terrible, extreme.
3. A state of unrest, confusion, commotion.
4. Steady, hard-working.
5. Thoughtless, inconsiderate.
7. Warm and friendly.


Vocabulary. Due Wednesday, including crossword.  heedless, diligent, diffident, dire, cordial, privy, grovel, abundant, turmoil, compelling, haggle
SSI: Definitions in notebook due Wednesday. Sentences in notebook are extra credit for everyone.
  1. She was rather d__________ at the party, too shy to talk to anyone.
  2. As an ambassador, he was p_____________ to all sorts of government secrets.
  3. His performance in the drama was c____________, and the audience couldn't take their eyes off of him.
  4. The situation was d___________, there was nowhere to run, and danger was closing in.
  5. He was a rather h_____________ boy who never listened to anyone's advice.
  6. The poor thief g____________(ed) at the foot of the king, begging for mercy.
  7. When you buy something at the swapmeet, you usually have to h_____________ to get the best deal.
  8. He gave us a very warm and c_____________ greeting when we arrived.
  9. If you are d___________ about your homework, you will do well.
  10. The vandalism incident caused great t____________ here at Laguna.
  11. If we can figure out how to harness it, the sun is an  a __________ source of energy.