
Main Entry: exile
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): ex·iled; ex·il·ing
Date: 14th century
: to banish or expel from one's own country or home

    The word exiled is used in the title of this poem written by Edna St. Vincent Millay . It's definition in this poem is to banish or expel from one's own country or home. Though, it isn't really talking about someone being banished from their country or home. It is mostly referring to someone wanting to be banished from the place they are living. In this poem this person is saying that instead of being in the city he or she wants to go back to the ocean and away from all the loud noises and the commotion, next to the waves. I think this is a good name for the title of this poem. There isn't any other word that could describe it better, unless there is a word that means wanting to go somewhere you aren't. I suppose it could be titled want, but it doesn't make it sound as good.  


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