(draft)Test #9. Name:                                                                  Date:                  Period:
Pink Sheet: ___/20       Warm Ups:  ___/7   ___/10  ___/11   ___/10  
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Academic Words. Skip if exempt.

  1. The rubric gives the ____ for grading your projects.  a) tradition  b) element  c) emphasis  d) criteria  e) concentrate
  2. The band went on tour to ____ their new album.  a) emphasis  b) contrast  c) emerge  d) promote  e) equate
  3. The _____ of your project should be on showing your knowledge of the book.  a) criteria  b) framework  c) emphasis  d) adequate  e) dimension
  4. We need to know the _____(s) of your room, so we know how much paint to buy.  a) criteria  b) dimension  c) emphasis  d) emerge  e) tradition
  5. Her cat was her _____ companion; he never left her side.  a) promote  b) constant  c) hence  d) tradition  e) adequate
  6. Many people ______ money with happiness.  a) emphasis  b) promote  c) attribute  d) dimension  e) equate
  7. The Red Cross volunteers decided to _____ their efforts on the worst-hit areas first.  a) concentrate  b) contrast  c) institute  d) emerge  e) attribute
  8. He ______(ed) his success to listening to his seventh grade English teacher.  a) promote  b) contrast  c) institute  d) concentrate  e) attribute
  9. Her _____ of life is, "Live, and let live."  a) criteria  b) philosophy  c) attribute  d) tradition  e) promote
  10. All Ponyboy could see were the _____(s) between his life and Cherry's.  a) attribute  b) framework  c) tradition  d) contrast  e) dimension
  11. If you don't wear _____ clothing, you will get cold.  a) attribute  b) concentrate  c) element  d) adequate  e) constant
  12. His lab is on the cutting edge of ___________(ing) technology.  a) emerge  b) hence  c) tradition  d) equate  e) contrast
  13. You will thank me, three years __________. a) promote  b) hence  c) emerge  d) approximate  e) tradition
  14. Since the poison was so _____(ed), it only took a tiny bit to kill.  a) equate  b) emphasis  c) attribute  d) promote  e) concentrate
  15. Mr. McCheese's style __________(s) sharply with that of Mrs. ElQueso.  a) promote  b) contrast  c) institute  d) concentrate  e) attribute
    Vocabulary. Skip if exempt.
  16. hero : scapegoat :: agreement : ____   a) persistent  b) revelation  c) flustered  d) assent  e) dissent
  17. I stood watching, ___ by  the beauty of the stars.   a) assented  b) transfixed  c) insomnia  d) flustered  e) scapegoated
  18. bored : transfixed :: cool : __  a) flustered  b) revelation  c) metamorphosis  d) idiosyncrasy  e) scapegoat
  19. Often, immigrants are used as __(s) for the problems of society.  a) assent  b) revelation  c) metamorphosis  d) fluster  e) scapegoat
  20.  "through nailed" = _______  a) persistent  b) revelation  c) metamorphosis  d) idiosyncrasy  e) transfixed
  21. Congress passed the bill unanimously, without __.   a) persistent  b) revelation  c) flustered  d) assent  e) dissent
  22. Though third period was very __ in their begging, Mr. Coward... a) dissent  b) transfixed  c) flustered  d) persistent  e)  transfixed
  23. ...refused to ___ to their requests.   a) flustered b) revelation  c) dissent  d) assent  e) fluster
    Adverbs. Skip if exempt.
  24. A load of salmon arrived on the docks yesterday.~Adverb/Word it modifies: a) salmon/load  b) docks/arrived  c) yesterday/arrived  d) yesterday/docks  e) yesterday/salmon
  25. The llama walked very cautiously into the building.~Which choice lists all the adverbs?  a) very  b) cautiously  c) cautiously, into  d) very, cautiously  e) NOTA
  26. Quickly, we gathered our gear.~Adverb/Word it modifies: a) quickly/gear b) quickly/gathered  c) gathered/gear  d) NOTA
  27. The busy beaver gnawed quite furiously on the tree trunk.~Which choice lists all the adverbs?  a) furiously  b) busy, furiously  c) busy, quite, furiously  d) quite, furiously  e) NOTA
  28. That llama is rather talented; he'll go far if he works hard.~Which choice lists all the adverbs?  a) rather, talented  b) rather, far  c) rather, talented, far  d) rather, far, hard  e) NOTA
  29. The plumbers finally finished repairing the pipes today.~Which choice lists all the adverbs?  a) finally  b) finally, repairing  c) finally, today  d) finally, finished, today  e) NOTA
  30. Quite suddenly, the unicorn bolted across the field.~Which choice lists all the adverbs?  a) suddenly  b) quite, suddenly  c) suddenly, across  d) quite, suddenly, across  e) NOTA
    Outsiders. Open Book. Mostly chapter 7.
  31. Why do the Curtises leave their front door unlocked? a) In case Pony forgets his key.  b) Because it's a safe neighborhood.  c) In case one of the boys needs a place to calm down.  d) Because Darry's so big. e) Because nobody messes with the greasers in their own neighborhood.
  32. Why was Darry so upset when Steve referred to him as "all brawn and no brain"? a) Darry still regrets not going to college.  b) Steve's such a jerk.  c) Darry thought he was smarter even than Ponyboy.  d) He knew it was true.  e) None of the above.
  33. What reason does Ponyboy give Randy for going into the church to save the kids?  a) He says he doesn't really know.  b) He thought it would get him off easy for the incident in the park.  c) He felt guilty for starting the fire.  d) He liked all the publicity. e) He thought it would be kind of fun.
  34. "Greaser didn't have anything to do with it...It's the individual." (p115) Pony means... a) most Socs wouldn't have gone in to save the kids. b) most greasers wouldn't have gone in to save the kids.  c) you can't tell everything about a person by the group he's a part of. d) among the greasers, only he and Johnny would have done something like that. e) All of the above.
  35. Pony is talking about stereotypes.  a) True  b) False
  36. When does Pony finally realize Cherry was right when she said, "Things are rough all over"?  a) When Randy tells him about Bob's parents  b) When Randy invites him to talk in his car.  c) When he reads the newspaper articles  d) After Randy explains why he won't show at the rumble.  e) When Two-Bit agrees with her.
  37. "If you can picture a little dark puppy that has been kicked too many times...you'll have Johnny."  a) simile  b) flashback  c) theme  d) irony  e) metaphor
  38. "We were careful with our cigarettes--if that old church ever caught fire there'd be no stopping it."  a) foreshadowing  b) flashback  c) theme  d) irony  e) metaphor
  39. "Greaser didn't have anything to do with it...It's the individual."   a) foreshadowing  b) flashback  c) theme  d) irony  e) metaphor
  40. Five _______ parents will be guests of honor.  a) student's  b) students'  c) students's