Vocabulary 2/3.
graft (2), resilient, resilience, infinitesimal, expendable, emanate, paradox, poised (2), undulate, finicky, subliminal
  1. Since there were 1,000 points possible in the quarter, one or two would be an i_________ amount.
  2. A trampoline is, by definition, r_____________.
  3. It was hard to believe that such a big voice e___________(ed) from such a little girl.
  4. During the earthquake, the street literally u___________(ed) like a snake.
  5. She was p_________ on the edge of the cliff, ready to leap.
  6. He is not an e___________ member of the team; we need his help desperately.
  7. "The more things change, the more they stay the same," is an old French saying. It is also an example of a(n)  p________.
  8.  I am skeptical that s________ advertising actually works.
  9. The policeman refused the gangster's offer of g_________ to "look the other way."
  10. After his accident in the fire, he needed skin g__________(s) because of the severity of his burns.
  11. Kids who develop the quality of r_____________ are able to cope when things go bad.
  12. According to tv, cats are f_________ eaters, who are hard to please.
  13. He was a very p___________, very confident public speaker, he never got nervous in front of a crowd.
  1. Across 
    5. Requiring a lot of care and attention. 
    6. Springy. (adj.)
    10. Influencing your mind in a way that you do not notice.
    (Under the edge of your senses.)
    11. Come out of. 
    1. Springiness 
    2. Bribery.
    (Also: A repair made by attaching.)
    3. A contradiction. 
    4. Tiiiiiiny. 
    7. Easily replaced. 
    8. Move in a wavy motion. 
    9. Showing a calm confident manner.
    (Also: balanced.)